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This Notice of Motion was put forward by Clr Rory Amon

An addition was added by Clr Sue Heins regarding Daydream Street, Warriewood.


In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice Clause 4.15(a) I offer the following report on this matter to assist Council in the deliberation of this motion:

The Mona Vale Road upgrade is being delivered by the NSW Roads and Maritime Services as dual lanes each direction. This project is being delivered in two stages:

i) eastern section from Manor Road to Foley Street

ii) western section from Powderworks Road to McCarrs Creek Road Upgrading Mona Vale Road to two lanes in each direction will enhance the corridor as the major transport corridor in the region and will encourage a greater proportion of through traffic to use the route.

This will provide an alternate route for through traffic currently using Powderworks Road or Lane Cove Road.

The AECOM Ingleside Precinct - Traffic and Transport Assessment Report is predicated on the upgrade of Mona Vale Road prior to the commencement of the Ingleside development as the current road corridor will not cope with the additional traffic generated by the land release. The New South Wales Government, in the 2018/2019 State Budget, allocated $18M towards the planning and construction of the eastern section of the Mona Vale Road.

This eastern section is to be completed by 2022. Additionally, $13.15M has been allocated towards the planning and detailed design of the western section of Mona Vale Road upgrade. Council’s 2013 decision to participate with NSW Government on the Ingleside precinct planning process had, at the time, resolved inter-alia, “identified the need to upgrade Mona Vale Road corridor and relevant intersections which would be exacerbated by any intensification of development in Ingleside.”

Council officers, through inter-agency discussions as part of the Ingleside Precinct planning process, continue to lobby for continued Government commitment to the Mona Vale Road upgrade.

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